
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

NY to PA

Although this does not seem like much of a day only hitting the next state it still was a full travel day.
from one end of New York to the other end a PA does take most of the day. It was great to know that after that day we could stop and check one of our best friends, Sandy and Terry McCurley, had to make sure Sandy's new hip is going to work so next fall she can get back to shaking a leg (maybe more then that) back down in Florida after our cross country trip. Well glad to say I think so will be ready. It was a quick stop with a wonderful evening with all the friends and family there.
So now begins the rest of the story.........

Starting back on the cross country trip pit stop Graduation and NY Family

With five weeks going by so fast and now one more pit stop for our Nephews Connor high school graduation. Alitte time with the family, lots of food and laughs (also alittle shopping too).  It was great.

Day 11 New Hampshire Bound Beautiful Charlotte (and 5 weeks later)

While we are New Hampshire bound going to meet our granddaughter for the first time. Couldn't wait to see her.  Of course Ian and Aly too.
WE had a great time with all the family and getting settled into our new place in NH. The five weeks passed so fast and Charlotte grew and changed alot. We will miss all of them as we continue our journey across country.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Day 10 Hershey Park and Family in New York

We decide that on the travel to see the Wheeler family in New York and Niece Taylor College Graduation we would do a detour and check out Hershey Area. After all the history we need a "sweet break" (pretty good pun). So our detour proved to not only a chocolate delight but a very interesting biography of an amazing man that we never knew about. Milton Hershey was a totally giving man. Why there is so many documentry show out on the Rockerfellers, Carneys, etc. This man was giving from the beginning. He treated his employees good provided them homes, jobs. During the depression not one in the town was without a job. Built public schools and other public buildings. Even started a school for orphans that provide boarding, health care and any expenses for for them up til high school graduation then provides them with a laptop, clothing, and 80,000 towards college and 100 dollars which in what he started with. Worth checking into what this man was and stands for. So after a tour of the man with chocolate to sweeten the tour. We did do some more chocolate tasting then headed to New York for the graduation in Oneonta, NY.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Day 8 & 9 Gettsburg, PA

Day 8 & 9
I’m combining these days both days were at Gettysburg, PA. The battle at Gettysburg, the three days in July of 1863. Up until that point most of the war was fought in the south. General Lee’s objective was to bring the war north in hopes that the north would give up. After the 3 day battle and what was left of the armies retreating. It left the town of Gettysburg in shambles and over 51,000 soldiers dead, wounded or missing. The wounded and dying were crowded into every building still left standing. Most of the dead was left lying in hastily dug graves and many not buried at all. The Governor commissioned a local attorney David Wills  to buy land for a proper burial for the union soldiers. This cemetery was located right were the union has the strong hold now know as cemetery hill. The dedicated on the of course famous date November 19,1863, the date of the Gettysburg Address. We could go into a lot of detail here but we will keep in some what short. The main speaker was not President Lincoln (he was known not to be a good speaker at all) so he was asked to keep it short and brief.  The main speaker was Edward Everett who’s well received 2 hour speech followed by President Lincoln’s 272 words speech taking 2 minutes. Amazing that his speech is now known as a masterpiece of English literature. In that short speech he turned a tragic battle scene into  a symbol of sacrifice of the dead and inspiration to the living. (WOW way to go Abe).
I must say the most meaniful and inspiration things to me was the Gettysburg Cyclorama also known as the battle of Gettysburg. The painting was done by a French artist Paul Philippoteaux depicting Pickett’s Charge of July 3, 1863. The version that hangs in Gettysburg, a recent (2005) restoration of the version created for Boston, is 42 feet high and 377 feet  circumference as you stand in the middle of this large circle they reinact the battle with lights and canons and gun fire. So moving, if you ever have the chance that is the one thing that is a must to see.
Also took a bus tour to see President Eisenhower's one and only home. Never knowing much about their lives prior to the tour I was surprised by the humble lives that they both lived. Nothing formal about them, family was everything to them and even the little staff that they did have was like family and lived with them. Most evenings their supper was on TV trays in the porch where they watched the TV. 
With all that being said we walked thru the town and then enjoyed a well needed change from battle and death to do alittle wine and cider tasting. Yeap got to enjoy life to the fullest. Here’s to you or should I say “Y’all”
                                                            Gettsburg Battlefield
