
Friday, June 23, 2017

Day 10 Hershey Park and Family in New York

We decide that on the travel to see the Wheeler family in New York and Niece Taylor College Graduation we would do a detour and check out Hershey Area. After all the history we need a "sweet break" (pretty good pun). So our detour proved to not only a chocolate delight but a very interesting biography of an amazing man that we never knew about. Milton Hershey was a totally giving man. Why there is so many documentry show out on the Rockerfellers, Carneys, etc. This man was giving from the beginning. He treated his employees good provided them homes, jobs. During the depression not one in the town was without a job. Built public schools and other public buildings. Even started a school for orphans that provide boarding, health care and any expenses for for them up til high school graduation then provides them with a laptop, clothing, and 80,000 towards college and 100 dollars which in what he started with. Worth checking into what this man was and stands for. So after a tour of the man with chocolate to sweeten the tour. We did do some more chocolate tasting then headed to New York for the graduation in Oneonta, NY.

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