
Friday, September 1, 2017

The Grand Poobah- The Grand Canyon

We thought it would be most inspiring to see it for the first time at sunrise. So we set our alarm for 3 AM got on the road at 4 because we had a hour and a half ride to the Grand Canyon and sunrise was 5:45.

What can be said about this Grand Poobah of our nation, the Grand Canyon National Park. 
All you can do is immense yourself with it and feel the goosebumps as you are in awe of the beauty.
Staring at its layered bands of red rock revealing millions of years of geological history. 
The viewpoints which we stopped at all of them- Mather Point, Yavapai Observation Station and architect Mary Colter’s Lookout Studio and Desert View Watchtower. Lipan Point, with wide views of the canyon and Colorado River. 
With our senses in overdrive we saw the sun come up and light the canyon walls. The pictures we took can not way replicate the feeling. It can only be felt if you were there. For those of you that have been make this big back the feel from when you first saw it and for those of you that have never been then it must be on your bucket list. 

After the sunrise we stopped at all the viewpoints until we hit the visitor's center, this is where the rim trail begins we thought we could enjoy it in small pieces by hiking most of the rim trail. We hiked about 6 miles of it then took a shuttle bus being that that was the only option to see the rest of it. We would get off at some of the stops then walk some more of the rim trail. In the 90 degree we were not going to do the full 12 miles. 

After arriving at Hermit's Rest we descended back to the visitor's center, check out the information, get our stamp in our passport and of course a gift for our granddaughter. (what we have been doing for Charlotte, aka Charlie, is building her a library of books that are about the places we have been visiting, then we stamp them with the place and date that Mimi and Pop Pop were there.)

Storm coming in after we got to the Visitor's Center back we didn't get any rain but we did can a cool picture.

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