
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Day 7 Harpers Ferry, WV

Although this was a travel onto our next destination  we decided to make a detour to harpers Ferry, WV. Glad we did, knowing that John Brown’s raid and the many battles of the civil war took place what here in this little area is amazing but now understanding all the things it had definitely explains it.
On October 25, 1783, Thomas Jefferson visited Harpers Ferry. He viewed "the passage of the Potomac through the Blue Ridge" from a rock that is now named for him. George Washington in 1794, Washington's familiarity with the area led him to propose the site for a new United States armory and arsenal. Together they produced most of the small arms for the U.S. Army. The town was transformed into an industrial center; between 1801 and 1861, when it was destroyed to prevent capture during the Civil War

On the night of October 16, 1859, Brown and his band overran the federal arsenal. Some of his men rounded up a handful of hostages, including a few slaves. Word of the raid spread and by the following day Brown and his men were surrounded. On October 18, a company of U.S. Marines, led by Colonel Robert E. Lee and Lieutenant J. E. B. Stuart , overran Brown and his followers. Brown was wounded and captured but played one of the most important role in the American Civil War. This poor town during the civil war was captured and recaptured between the north and south 8 times. Amazing and there is still building left. Wow
Jefferson Rock

St Johns Episcopal church

Street of Harpers Ferry, VA

St Pete's Catholic Church

street of harpers Ferry

Fire House where John Brown Riad

View from Hill near Train Station

St Pete's church

Signs inside the restaurant we ate Potomac Grille, being from NH Dixville Notch is in NH  signs from different places but this one met something to us bait of home.

This one was just cute

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