
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Day 1 of our cross country adventure

Our day started early on we were on the road before 8 (good start for the Galipeau's we will be in Helen before supper) but wait !!!! Not even out of Florida yet just in Jacksonville turning on the ramp of route 10 a smacking and tearing sound ... no alternator overheating oh my NO brakes or power steering double oh my !! May the traffic gods be with us may there be no big truck in our lane as we come on to the ramp because we have no brakes ok we made it through that and pulled off the interstate. So what do we have here, we had a broken serpentine belt, ok call aaa wait for a tow, it was going to be 2 hours not bad we are in the RV yes but wait no a/c in a tin box on a day that is 95 degrees in Florida do I hear sweat hummm let be optimistic  it could be worst. So lets try calling Campers Inn service only 4 miles down the road, Great you say, well no, at this time at 10 o'clock at night we called 3 times left messages told them we were broke down on the interstate and still no call, note to self NEVER go there!! After 4 hours and calling mobile auto repair services and 2 tries at a belt we were back on the road. Ended up in Atlanta Ga at seven not rush hour but sure seemed it, ended up at Unicoi State csmpground after 10:30 long first day gone from 95 degrees to 55 degrees burrrrr

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