
Sunday, August 27, 2017

A Date with the General Sherman and Grant (Sequoia National Park) and then The King (King Canyon)

 As we enter Sequoia National Park the first thing to greeting us is a deer right side the road. Gave us a quick smile and went back to eating.
 As we begin our tour up the mountain and we are meet with some majestic views. Today was a little hazy but hopefully not to bad.

 We keep seeing these sign in all our travels we have not seen one grizzly or black bear. Must be the bear spray we have with us all the time, they have a keen sense of smell those bears, must be working. 

 Aren't these some tall trees. I'm still so awe by these trees. The sequoias and redwoods are god's gift of time. Some of these are over 3200 years old. Before Christ's was born WOW. If they could talk imagine the stories they could tell and what they have been through.

 Our first hike of the day was Moro Rock. Experiencing Moro Rock was a highlight at the Sequoia. It had breathtaking 360 views of the park and beyond. The glacially carved peaks and large trees tops could all be seen from the top of here. We were at 6725 feet believe it or not we were a mile higher the the lowest point that we could see out to the west and a MILE lower than the peaks to the east.  In the earlier days they climbed the mountain with ropes, thank goodness they have stairs now because no way would Steve have done that. Although 400 stairs he was not happy about either but we were rewarded.

 The view to my left
 The view to my right

 Now the descend down
 down some more
At the bottom.
 Now this birthday girl (me) has had a date with the General for a long time.

 General Sherman is 275 high and 36 feet in diameter. Now that's a big guy.
I salute the general.

 OK Steve I'm tired of holding my arms up. Please hurry take the picture.

 My second date was with General Grant, he's 267 feet high and 30 feet diameter. He's a little more famous and has more metals. Named after General Grant in 1867 then President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed it the "Nation's Christmas Tree" on April 28, 1926. Due in large part to its huge base, the General Grant tree was thought to be the largest tree in the world prior to 1931, when the first precise measurements indicated that the General Sherman was slightly larger. On March 29, 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower declared the tree a "National Shrine", a memorial to those who died in war. It is the only living object to be so declared.

So now on to see the King. I've read and I was told by a Park Ranger that King Canyon road in the best scenic route in the US hummmm ok Let's check it out.

 The views OMG
 Its my birthday and I'll do what I want to.......No just needed a moment to take this day in
 I have not words for this one. HAHA       maybe one Soulmate
 Steve did say his arms were getting tired from all the back and forth and forth and back

 You know these dying or dead trees have so much character.

So what do you think? I think it carries the claim of fame.

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