
Thursday, August 10, 2017

Boise or Bust Oregon Trail

We head to Boise, ID We been following the Oregon trail and our two buddies Lewis and Clark. Lewis and Clark have been this way before. Every stop has something a stature or discovery center.
Glad they went first so we can follow.
Of course I also keep following the wine

We arrived in Boise later afternoon. Boise in divided in mini districts, This one was Garden City where we were staying. Nice resort type campground with pool this time with this hot weather a pool would be nice. Off to check the city out.

Strange Folk Wine hummmm
 I guess that fits

 Every day its hotter
While we were checking out the city tonight had "Alive after 5" In the center of the city they have music bands playing. Was lucky to find a restaurant that we could get into and listen to the concert.
 Hot and Spicy Shrimp
calamari and creamy jalapeno soup yummm

With the hot days we started our next day with a bike ride of the city. They have a great bike system, problem being that they had had so much rain before that the washouts still needed to be repaired. Of course the first trail we picked we go 2 miles and there is a closed sign from wash out. Go back and head the other way get 1.5 closed. Ok we keep moving down. Now we are cruising, oh crap need air in my tire, go alittle farther double crap Steve's chain fell off. There is no a good choice today, murphy is visiting again, but the nice thing is that there is repair stations all along the way. Nice.
 The Trail map

Biking through so nice a paths

Parks along the way

Cool underpass

Firemen memorial 

At the firemen's memorial also a piece of the twin towers

Then we came across the firemen doing a search and rescue practice. Talked with one of them for a while. Nice conversation. Boise has a nice clean and safe city.

Our camp site at the resort

Nice two days in Boise. Off to the Painted Hill at John Day, OR.

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