
Sunday, August 20, 2017

California or Bust (RED RED Woods)

As we begin our trip to the redwoods, the forest fires continue on the western coast and through out the states and is always not that far away, evacuations have not been too far from where we are.
A very foggy morning with heavy smoke makes the travel day not so scenic. But still off to the Redwoods we go. Seeing the Redwoods is one of the exciting anticipation places that I have been looking forward to seeing.

 This is the direction we are heading looks eerie
 Our campsite, this is taken at noon all hazed over and soot falling like snow
Taken the same time just looking up from campsite

The Redwoods is all I thought they would be “HUGE, Large, Big and Tall” Amazing. 

 I did a panoramic from bottom to top
 Our first hike Big Tree Trail
 OMG totally love this sign because that's the what we were doing.
 You can't see the tops
 then we walked in this really mossy area all the tree had this hanging moss felt like I was Dorothy in the wizard of OZ
 Look at how tiny I am. (I wish)
 You can stand right inside of this tree and it's still alive
Look UP
This was our next hike but we had to get a permit to go on this trail. Only 50 permits a day. So we were there waiting for our permit early. Second in line.
 Got it, now lets go.

Tunnel tree

My neck is hurting from looking up so much. Plus graceful me is tripping alot.

Can you see me?

More moss hair

Made it!! The hike was worth it. Now where?
A little scenic ride and maybe a third hike for the day. Kicking butt.
Fern Canyon easy hike, level by the coast, sure why not.
 This was so different. Its a canyon of ferns, yep guess they named it right. The whole hike is through this kind of slot canyon with a little brook running thru it. I'm sure in the spring it is not possible.

Now if this wasn't enough of a day while we decided to take another walk by the coast we got to see a large bull Elk with his harem. He had at least 7 females with him. There was another younger male off in the distance and we watched the bull make his way towards the younger one to just let him know he there.

Well a good day should come to an end. Fires still causing the breathing not to be good. So home it is.
On our way home we saw why Paul (Paul Bunyan and his blue ox was out here.)
 Need an big man to cut those redwood trees

Isn't it cool the reflection of the sun on the waves.

Next day we were just going to explore the area, the city of Crescent City. A coastal town where we were staying. On our way to the coast on the side of the road I saw these

Another cool windy day on the coast, headed to where you could drive on the beach. 

Headed that way, after analyzing the beach NOPE to soft. Rough waves here the beach is too steep.

this area looked like a was going to be a housing community that went defunked.
Looked like some squatters moved in.

Hummm interesting sign
Well lets go on 
Scenic route down the coast lets stop and walk some.
Really Steve, I have to watch him all the time. Its a full time job for me.
 Is this the marked treasure?
Yes its cool. But this is our last beach walk until we get home.

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