
Tuesday, August 1, 2017

I'm free Fallin in Twin Falls, Shoshone Falls and Pillar Falls, ID

In Twin Falls, ID where there is Falls everywhere. "Beautifall" (get it) The city is great but super hot this time of year, this limited our outdoor activities. At 96-98 its hot whether there is humidity or not. Our first stop which is the vocal point of the city. "Perrine Bridge" it is one or the only one where base jumpers can jump off the bridge. Jumpers come from all over the world to do this. 

Side note History Stop:
In 1812 & 1813 an overland expedition eastward from Astoria to St. Louis, which passed through the Twin Falls area. This route formed the basis of what became the "Oregon Trail". The city began as a stage coach stop in 1864. By 1890 there were a handful of successful agricultural operations in the area of Snake River Canyon but the lack of infrastructure and the canyon's geography made irrigating the dry surrounding area improbable at best. I.B. Perrine founded the Twin Falls Land and Water Company, largely to build an irrigation canal system for the area. The gradual diversification of the agriculture-based economy allowed the city to continue to grow.
And of course Twin Falls became the center of national attention in September 1974 when daredevil Evil Knievel attempted to jump the Snake River Canyon. Watched by millions on television on a Sunday afternoon, the attempt ultimately failed.
But as we explore the city there is another booming era happening. Our GPS in our Jeep is 2012 and many of the streets did not exist. We asked around and in the last 15 years and still continuing to grow mainly manufacturing plants are moving in. Chobani is one of the new kids on the streets moving in in 2012. A large call center operates out of here. Definitely growth here. 

Our next stop was Shoshone Falls, also known as the Niagara of the West, with a 212' drop and the width of 900', it is one of the largest natural waterfalls in the US. 
If you look close double rainbow in the right hand side

Down river of the falls

After walking all around in this hot weather we decided the number one rated restaurant does the best happy hour with a view of the snake river canyon. "Perfect" Nice breeze better view. Margaritas and apps and its an evening of perfection.
Happy Hour at Elevation 486
After having a hard time to decide what we were going to do in the hot weather we needed to change the plan. Kayak was top of the list now. Still going to be hot but it was still on water. Rented a kayak for 9 am headed down to the Pillar falls. Since it was a couple of miles up river and we had only four hours we paddled our butts off to get there, well I think we paddled way faster then needed, we were there in less then an hour. 

Some kind of nest not sure what it is but neat cliff dwellers

OK water was too high to walk around the pillars so we floated around enjoyed the view and headed back to watch the base jumpers off the bridge from a different view. 

Got some infor from a local Vet that volunteers to spot the jumpers and then gives them a ride back.

 Well in talking to him we found that this is probably the only bridge jumpers can use and in the canopy of his boat are autographs of thousands of jumpers he has given rides to, super nice man, offered us water then a ride in his boat to see the falls but declined because we were just there. We will remember him.
Look under his canopy and you can see tons of autographs
Near the end of a kayak trip

Had a picnic lunch at the park, looking up we see Elevation 486 our Happy Hour place from the night before

We wanted to get one more stop off our list. Twin Falls which is now really a single fall because of a dam. Ok twin falls name sake is now a single fall hummm. 
No this one is not the single Twin Falls this one was one on the way to there

The twin falls dam

Here's the single Twin Falls

Down river of dam

Full overview of the dam

Still temperature continued to rise but filled the rest of the afternoon with a little shopping. Pretty bad when it is so hot that you sit in the jeep drinking an orange-julius watching people in the parking lot. (sad state of affairs) no just too hot to do much. 

Did end with a beautiful sunset (still think the best is in Florida) 

Our last day here we made it a night out on the town. We went back to our Happy Hour place.
Cheers to our night out

View from Elevation 486, isn't it a gorgeous 

Restaurant Elevation 486

Last look at the bridge from the restaurant

Scones with honey butter at Jakers

Prime rib melt sandwich with of course "Idaho bake potato" Here in Idaho they a just called Bakers.

Steve's prime rib yummy
See Y'all in the next stop, a rejuvenating day. A day at Banbury Hot Springs.

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