
Thursday, August 24, 2017

YO YO YOsemite

Our travel to Yosemite was too hairy to talk about STUPID GPS (now this is a RV gps should not take you to place that RV shouldn't be, yeah right) it sent us out of the way on a narrow tow lane road up mountains that drop 1000 ft, narrow one lane bridges, 10% grades, brakes overheating) Oh sorry said I didn't want to talk about it........
Anyways we got to the campsite fairly close to the park. Yosemite is located in a deep deep valley so to get there you descend and descend and descend some more. Of course after prior to climbing crazy I had a pit in my stomach most of the time and Steve who is always calm had a tight butt so we say on this route.  After setting up Steve notice fluid on the tire (Oh no brakes mechanic is going to come to o no where place) "Long story short" with help from camp host Keith we were going to place some calls and did but in the morning when we could deal with it better, (still not thinking after the trip here). In the morning our first mechanic Stevey boy took a better look and thought that it was not the brakes. Okay then lets hit the park, didn't plan on going today because of the brakes, so lets go.
 So many wild fires happening 
 Many still not out ,this will effect some of the places that's on our trip

 Rock overhanging the road.
 Rock tunnel just entering the park
Welcome to Yosemite
First stop Bridal Veil short hike

Now off to see the Captain (no not Captain Morgan) 
El Capitan

 One of the best known icons for Yosemite

Yosemite's Upper Falls

Lower falls

Upper and Lower Falls nice hike after finding parking....

Lower Falls
 Headed to Glacier Point great overlook of the Valley. You can see Half Dome, Vernal Falls, Nevada Falls. A bit hazing from all the fires but not as bad as it has been.

These trees all have a neon green moss of them
Now is this a view or what. Amazing and HIGH
Half Dome

Muir and Roosevelt stand on an overhanging rock
President Theodore Roosevelt, left, poses with John Muir for pictures on Overhanging Rock at the top of Glacier Point, near which the men camped in a hollow and awoke to five inches of snow in 1903.

This is overhanging rock. John Muir's thinking place. John Muir (1838-1914) was America's most famous and influential naturalist and conservationist, and founder of the Sierra Club.  
Muir devoted most of his time to the preservation of the Western forests. He petitioned the U.S. Congress for the National Park bill that was passed in 1890, establishing Yosemite National Park. The spiritual quality and enthusiasm toward nature expressed in his writings has inspired readers, including presidents and congressmen, to take action to help preserve large nature areas. Today Muir is referred to as the "Father of the National Parks" and the national park service has produced a short documentary about his life.

It's a marmot, we called him varmot the marmot

Tenaya Lake

So many beautiful spots and views in Yosemite.

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