
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Finding the Jewels and the Presidents men

Jewel Cave was the morning agenda and of course the fight to get there early enough to get the tickets because they sell out for the day before noon and we wanted to go on the first tour. Arrived promptly at 7:30 this time, WHAT already there were people in line, probably about 15. Oh well still should be able to get tickets I’m sure. Yeap got the tour we wanted.  In The Scenic tour we got to visit different chambers and passages decorated with calcite crystals and speleothems. The tour uses an elevator and you go down 234 feet below. (side note this is the 3rd largest cave in the world and I think the tallest elevator in South Dakota)
This tour is considered moderately strenuous and last 1 ½ hours BUT also has 723 stairs (damn those stairs again you know that’s 40 flights of stairs).  We saw two types of calcite crystals known as nailhead spar and dogtooth spar, which are the "jewels" of Jewel Cave. Also we saw boxwork, cave popcorn, flowstone, stalactites, stalagmites, draperies, and a long ribbon drapery called the cave bacon and it did look like bacon.

Do you see the Alien face towards the top?

Here's the Bacon
A quick picnic and on our way

For the afternoon we did a place called Founding Fathers. This is an exhibit is a life-size depiction of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. There was an audio speech that would highlight each person speaking during what was being said during the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  After there was a plague of each person how old they were at the time of signing and also where and what they did and how they contributed to this now new country and the price they paid. Many had lose their once wealth and some was captured by the English and held captured for over a year. Very interesting and well done. 

Ended our last night with another night in Rapid City. Really enjoyed this place, what a clean town. It also has so much to offer any visitor, it is known as “The city of Presidents”. They have life-sized bronze statues of the 44 Presidents pass Presidents imposes that reveal their stories or personality. These were placed on the street corners through the city.  Also since it is our last night maybe go back and have a glass of wine and people watch at the Firehouse Cellar.

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