
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Old Yella, Old Faithful and Geysers galore all with an old Geezer

Our travel was short from Virginia City to Yellowstone so we were setup and ready to hit Yellowstone by 3.(Oh by the way this post is not short so grab a coffee or a wine depending on the time of day you are reading this) Packed a picnic for supper and off we go. Told Steve there would not be any hiking we were just checking Yellowstone out. We head in for a look but the campground said near Yellowstone 13 miles to West Yellowstone (not bad) BUT 16 miles to the gate and another 16 miles north or south to anywhere. HUMMM so we decide to head north rethinking the long drive we had we thought that maybe we would explore the north end and not have to come back this way. Our first stop Gibbon Falls overlook a little walking not bad.

Off to Artist Paint pots a little bit more hiking but not too long.

Norris Geyser Basin Area came up next. Oh I think this might be a hike there was a trail going to the book store and museum. Ops I think I lied to Steve, might want to put those hiking boots on. Our Jeep has become our secondary home, carry our hiking boots, extra socks, cameras, phones, chargers for all, cooler, snacks and water, small backpack, big backpack, flip flops, wipes, fleece for extra layers, rain ponchos, and of course the whistle and BEAR Spray (that should be with us at all times) so we are prepared. Our trail of Norris Geyser Basin was 3 miles and mostly boardwalks not too bad of a hike.

Let keep heading north. Damn we were stuck in construction for over a half an hour. Oh well let do our picnic supper in the jeep, no grass will grow under our feet. 

Off to Mammoth Hot Springs, another hike boardwalk with more stairs, oh sorry Steve, that no hiking was a mistake. We did probably another 3 miles. Got to do, what you got to do, Steve. Some more hiking I tried to call it walking but he said it fell under the same category as far as he was concerned. Mammoth was neat, it looked like a large, huge wedding cake that the frosting was melting.

The sun was setting time to head home.

Got back at 10:20 but we decided that we were going to start our day at sunrise because Yellowstone was packed even in the evening. 

So up at sunrise (really before 4:45 crazy but its crazier if you wait to go) You must get there early before the Asian Invasion (trying not to discriminate but it is a term to describe the major influx of tours bus and rented vans that are full of Asians visiting every national park. Good for the economy but not always polite, not a lot of warm and fussy, they cut you off.
Anyways, off to Old Faithful first thing. A bucket list item for sure. I think we got a mile of hiking under our belt just finding the place. OK next blow sometime around 8, here at 7:30 not bad. Yes it took that long to get there. So Old Faithful blows, so cool. Got pictures got video. Great. 

Cross off Old Faithful from the Bucket list, had first row sitting.
Took a 6 mile hike around Old Faithful area. Plenty of geysers, some of our favorites was First vote Morning Glory then Grotto, Giant and Liberty ok they were all our favorites in some way. 

Old Faithful Area Trail Map - Yellowstone National Park

If you glance at the map there are so many around old Faithful after the long "walk" we were lucky enough to see Old Faithful go off again and taller this time. Good job.


Morning Glory

New type of selfie

and then the normal selfie





Old Faithful second time,same as the first, alittle louder and a little worst 

After seeing Old Faithful we checked out the Lodge, the lodge is so amazing with all the wood and look a all the knots. Wow Sumner Harris would like this.

Now off to West Thumb Geyser. Some are on top of the ground BUT some are in the water, really cool.

Near supper time but lets head to The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone (Upper and Lower Falls) 
Lazy late afternoon nap at least he isn't is the road slowing up traffic.

OMG there was a line of vehicles, sat for 10 minutes was not even near. Not today, guess we will leave that for another early morning! :( but not tomorrow we need to fix a motorhome water leak, and a couple of other things, maybe some baking been wanting to make some protein bars or bites, tired of paying those crazy prices. 

Next morning slept til 6:30 nice. Steve found the leak but not easy to fix, had to take most of the bottom panels of the motorhome off to even find what it was. A couple of inside fixes. This motorhome with all the bumping roads are showing some repair. As for me I felt creative today, and made some great Chocolate Protein bars and Steve's favorite now a Biscotti, Cranberry,  macadamia nut Balls.

After a half day of "rest" we headed into the town of West Yellowstone. Parked in town and Steve asked where the hardware store was (needed some brackets and got directions. "Oh it not far lets walk " Mr I don't like Hiking Guy" well we walked blocks and blocks, enough that I got blisters because I was not wearing walking shoes just little converse sneakers. Two blisters later I walked back in my bare feet on the streets. Next time I'm using google maps!! so back to the jeep but with the second home there was wipes to clean my feet and a nice pair of flip flop to ease my feet, ahhhhhh. Now I can shop, we walked through town and had a great drink made with huckleberries (now for everyone that's from the east and never heard of Huckleberries they only grow in the west and above 2000 feet also the bears LOVE them. To me they are much like a blueberry.) So the drink we tried was Huckleberry lemonade (Huckleberry volka locally made and muddled huckleberries and lemonade) loved it and had some wings, half with a huckleberry BBQ sauce hummmm hearing the theme here crazy for huckleberries, or just crazy.

Sorry had to pop in a recent picture of my granddaughter Charlotte, Isn't she soooooo cute, I miss her!

Nice sunset from our campground
 Day 4 at Yellowstone
With sunrise you know what the means up and Adam.... after a 2 hour ride to the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. 
A little chilly this morning, extra layers

Morning traffic jam

Another one

The beautiful falls, Lower falls, 306 ft 

The Grand canyon of Yellowstone

We got parking this time and not bad, of course we were not the only ones but not crowded. The view was gorgeous at Artist point one of the places that Ansel Adams took one of his famous photos. (Love that man's photos) So we saw at the views of the Falls from every which way. Four stops and many pics later, during that time we talked with a local that clued us in on some places to see. 

Oh ok they are nice to see but now they take their own time just blocking traffic "REALLY"

A Lover's selfie 

One was the Lake Hotel (It was like the Mt Washington Hotel but with a beautiful lakeview, so amazing, we had a late breakfast, well late meaning a little after 9. 
Felt a little under dress but everyone else was dressed the same way so ok. 

Then since this was our last day (we screwed up our reservations and was booked also in the Grand Teton for tomorrow and yellowstone) Oh well bound to happen. So its cram everything in today.
Firehole Canyon drive, Fountain Flat Drive, Fountain Paint Pot, and Firehole lake drive. Wanted to see the Grand Prismatic Spring but not in the cards. No parking and the only way was to hike another 5 miles in 90 degree heat in the late afternoon. Sorry not this time.

These are called "Bobbie Socks" trees Silica penetrated the trees and hardened their bases.

We actually got to see this geyser go off

Wow another one this one was White Dome
The end of a great day at Yellowstone. Off to Grand Teton and some raining weather.

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