
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Travel days to the BADLANDS in South Dakato

So now we leave Wisconsin on to the Badlands. We'll have to days on travel.  Traveled as far as Salem, SD and decided to settle for the evening. Wow just up hooking and a couple and a neighbor in back of us came to greet us. Didn't even unhook and was invited for a glass of wine. So of course, we unpacked and headed over to meet our new friends. We meet Ray and Sharon and heard there story of how they meet early and life then ended up together many years later and both had brain surgeries. Wow interesting. Campers are so friendly and there are some that are also traveling across country and I'm sure we will meet again. Today meet a couple from Maine, retire professor from Penn state and a couple from Tampa fl. Small world.
All the way here through all of South Dakota we kept seeing these signs "Wall Drug" "Free Ice water at Wall Drug" "5 cent Coffee at Wall Drug" What 5 cent coffee got to be kidding. Got to check this out.

 Made the ride interesting with that many signs so thing to do on the long corn field farmland.

 Rest area along the way. She was 50 ft high.    This is the town that our campground is at right in the Badlands.

Checked out the Badlands to plan for tomorrow's agenda, so lets head to the badlands watch their video and get some information. MAYBE do a hike.

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