
Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Ice Age and Beyond

The Ice Age and Beyond
So off the Glacier National Park we go. Even before we get there we began to see this white stuff still on the mountains. Wait white stuff it is mid July Yuck. 

We did get our first look at Flathead Lake so crystal clear it’s amazing how large and clear the lake is and blue. Got settled in to our campground and off to the park, I like to get familiar with the park before we start the next day, try to make sure no trails are closed, which there was one of the trails, due to too much bear activity (fine by me) we got bear spray in hand but seeing a grizzy or black bear is not on my bucket list. You all know I’m adventurous but not on this one.

So we first checked out Lake McDonald. WOW clear blue and cool colored stones and what a view of the mountain range. It was hot so we put our feet in the water. Alittle cool but for glacier water not bad.

Look at these stones brighter than they show here

A different kind of selfie

Day 2
So with the sunrise comes another early morning, we heard that the Going to the Sun road gets really busy and since this is the only road that goes east and west through the park it gets mobbed. We picked our farthest hike first (get er done) so Grinnel lake and glacier trail was where we were heading. WOW sunrise on Going to the Sun was amazing I kept wanting to stop and get pictures but there was so many interesting things we were going to not get to the trailhead if I didn’t stop. (ok I’ll get more tomorrow)

Mountain and moon cool

The one thing we found at this national park things are not marked well at all, where the trail starts, can’t get any trail maps, no markers. So we walked about a half mile through 3 parking lots trying to find the trailhead marker to start the hike. Great extra mileage. The trail started with a nice walk around the lake then the climb and more climb, we decided to take the glacier trail that branched off. After about 3 ½ miles up and almost there we were told that the glacier was unstable so it was posted unsafe. (of course others were still going up anyways then will wondering if they get buried alive in an avalanche) So seeing it from a distance we turned around and headed back. 

small glacier

Bigger Glacier

Look at this water color so cool and yes I'm mean cool

The hiking guide

The guide wants to stop for a snack

Almost back but not quite 

Tally on this hike was 7.2 miles ready for lunch. Hit the vistor's center on the west side, the only one that has the movie to tell you about the history of the park, always a great way to learn about it and what’s there. 
Then continued on the west to Two Medicine (yes that is what it is called) did a short hike to a waterfall called Running Eagle. Running Eagle was a real Indian girl that took care of her brothers and sisters because her parents died and then was killed during a hunting expedition from another tribe. The hike was a short mile but after the last one it hurts to more, walking older each time we moved.

I think we were happy to call it a day.

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